Nature’s Protection

Nature’s Protection 保然 – Indoor 室內成貓配方 7KG

型號: 4771317457653
存貨狀態: 現貨產品
HK$ 467.00


More details
Nature’s Protection 保然 – Indoor 室內成貓配方
  • 含有 MircoZeoGen 有助排出身體毒素、調節腸道健康、增強自身免疫力
  •  提供均衡的營養配方、含左旋肉鹼(L-Carnitine)有助燃燒脂肪控制體重及強化肌肉
  •  優質的蛋白質有助維持強壯的肌肉
  •  HairBall Control 配方能有效避免毛球的發生
  •  奧米加3脂肪酸、使動物的皮膚和毛髮更健康
  •  含牛黃酸,增強心臟健康
  • Specially formulated for indoor cats to remain fit and healthy despite their reduced energy expenditure, but also suitable for cats that are outdoors regularly.
  • Moderate energy levels, along with L-Carnitine, help avoid overweight and obesity.
  • Quality protein sources help maintain solid muscle mass.
  • Selected carbohydrate and fibre sources help avoid the onset of  hairball problems, frequently occuring with indoor cats.


成份 Ingredients

雞肉,魚肉,大米,玉米,家禽脂肪,紅菜頭,纖維素,釀酒酵母,天然火山礦物(MicroZeoGen 1%),風乾雞蛋,菊苣提取物,甘露寡糖(MOS),絲蘭提取物,萬壽菊餐,維生素A,維生素D3,維生素E,鐵,碘,銅,錳,鋅,硒,牛磺酸,L-左旋肉鹼,迷迭香提取物,天然來源的維生素E

poultry meal, rice, maize, maize gluten, animal fat, sugar beet pulp, cellulose, brewery yeast, fish meal, dynamic micronized clinoptilolite (1%), dried eggs, chicory extract, mannan-oligosaccharides (MOS), yucca extract, marigold meal.


成份分析 Analysis
蛋白質 Crude protein29%
原油和脂肪Crude oils and fats12%
灰分  Crude ash6%
纖維 Crude fibre4%
磷 Phosphorus0.85%
sodium –0.5%


餵食方法 Feeding Guide
1kg9-14   g/day
2kg18-29 g/day
3kg28-43 g/day
4kg37-58 g/day
5kg46-72 g/day
6kg55-87 g/day
7kg64-101 g/day
8kg74-116 g/day


Made in Lithuania


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